This site: a personal site for sharing information and the occasional blog and/or picture. The search tool, topical menu, and the Topic index can help you locate site content of interest. New posts and updates will be intermittent. All photos and illustrations are the author's unless otherwise indicated. The site is built with MkDocs and published via GitLab Pages.
Me: fortunate to be retired and wholly captive to my interests and favorite causes. Mainly, I'm these things: avid jogger, hiker, and reader; lover of motorcyle and aging 4Runner maintenance and adventuring; poly-technologist designer, fabricator, experimenter, and repairer; and a proponent of science and technology, fine arts, and civic engagement. I live on the western edge of metro Denver, from which embarking on Front Range adventures is a cinch.
In the pic below, look closely for C-3PO and Chewbacca watching over me. That is mosaic street art by the artist Invader. Score points for finding Invader art using his app, FlashInvaders (iOS and Android). My daughter clued me in to notice Invader mosaics when venturing around major cities.
Recent posts#
- Another flâneur in Paris
- 2024 plains crossing, westbound
- 2024 plains crossing, eastbound
- Preparing for Plains Crossing 2024
- ST2 Systems motorcycle smart modules
- The most profound sense in which the Roman Empire declined
- When friends were bombed to thwart foes
- Modern city ensconces temple of Roman past